Find great deals for Attack Girls Swim Team vs. the UndeadZombie SelfDefense ForceZombie Hunter Rika (DVD, 2011, 3Disc Set). Tags: Regarder film complet Attack Girls Swim Team versus The Undead en streaming vf et fullstream vk, Attack Girls Swim Team versus The Undead VK streaming, Attack Girls Swim Team versus The Undead film gratuit, en trs Bonne Qualit vido [720p, son de meilleur qualit galement. Attack Girls' Swim Team Versus the Undead (2007) A girls' high school team is having a competition. Aki persuades her friend Sayaka to join the swimming team. The film delivers and then some in terms of sleaze, but Attack Girls Swim Team Vs. the Undead is more about lesbian sexual trysts than zombies, gore, or other horror elements. There is some bloodshed, but it is minor and most of the movie is devoted to lurid closeups of various sex acts. the Undead is pretty much what you would expect from the name. There are lots of zombies, gore, and naked ladies to go around. There are lots of zombies, gore, and naked ladies to go around. Attack Girls Swim Team Vs The Undead 02 Watch32. Attack Girls Swim Team Vs The Undead 02. The swim team of the local girls high school is getting ready for an upcoming competition. Their concentration is quickly derailed, however, when they are informed over the loudspeaker that a new virus is doing the rounds and they will all need to be vaccinated. Before long the virus has caused the. No sooner has beautiful young Aki stepped on campus than she's pressed into service replacing a girl beat up by the swim team's over zealous male. The surprise about Attack Girls Swim Team vs. the Undead is that given such a gonzo title (at least, the one it is titled in Englishlanguage release), the film plays itself seriously and rarely plants tongue in cheek as all the aforementioned examples in this genre niche do. Attack Girls Swim Team Versus the Undead Aki una ragazza dal passato misterioso, che stata trasferita in una nuova scuola, proprio mentre le autorit giapponesi stanno effettuando una serie di vaccinazioni contro un misterioso virus, che trasforma le persone in pericolosi zombi. Attack Girls Swim Team Versus The Undead Streaming: La squadra di nuoto del liceo femminile impegnata in un concorso. Aki convince la sua amica Sayaka ad unirsi alla squadra. The Complete Japanese Trilogy (Zombie SelfDefense Force Attack Girls' Swimteam vs. the Undead Zombie Hunter Rika) DVD R(1) Contains spoilers. A swimming costume if you think about it, is quite the sensible choice when it comes to zombie dispatching apparel. Archive for Attack Girls Swim Team Vs the Undead Halloween Endurance Test: Attack Girls Swim Team Vs the Undead (2008) Posted in 2011, Halloween Endurance Tests, Zombies with tags Attack Girls' Swim Team Vs the Undead, Ayumu Tokito, Sasa Handa, Vagina Beams, Yuria Hidaka, Zombies on October 14, 2011 by shenanitim Attack Girls' Swim Team Versus The Undead is a movie I bought for the title alone. I will say off the bat that this is not a good movie, but for the title and the extremely original laser deployment in the film I gave it two stars. AV Superstar Sasa Handa headlines this sexy, gory romp about a female high school swim team that does battle with the living dead after the entire student body is transformed into flesheating. Get ready for Attack Girls' Swim Team vs. Watch as the beautiful young Aki and the swim team defend the school against zombies. Get ready for Attack Girls' Swim Team vs. Watch as the beautiful young Aki and the swim team defend the school against zombies. Attack Girls Swim Team Versus the Undead (V) Although the tone of the movie is never quite cohesive, the gore is cool, the lesbian sex scenes are cool, and the flashback rape scenes are. Welcome to the 23rd episode of 'Should you watch? ' on the 23rd day of March with me, DEMOLITION D. Bloodborne comes out tonight at midnight. Also it's my si Rent Attack Girls' Swim Team vs. the Undead (2007) starring Mizuka Arai and Sasa Handa on DVD and Bluray. Get unlimited DVD Movies TV Shows delivered to your door with no late fees, ever. A girls' high school team is having a competition. Aki persuades her friend Sayaka to join the swimming team. However, a mysterious virus is spreading throughout the school. After Aki discovers the incident and tries to tell other people, she is killed. Attack Girls Swim Team vs the Unliving Dead See more Company Credits. You see, the swim team naturally spends a lot of time in the pool, and it seems as though the chlorine in the water is the antidote to this new strain of virus, and thus, we have the aforementioned girls in speedos all set to do battle with a horde of zombies. Attack Girls' Swim Team Versus The Undead is a movie I bought for the title alone. I will say off the bat that this is not a good movie, but for the title and the extremely original laser deployment in the film I gave it two stars. Watch videoBn c mun xa tt c nhng tm kim gn y? Tt c cc ni dung tm kim gn y s b xa seedpeer. eu Movies Misc 17 hours Attack Girls Swim Team Vs The Undead 2007 DVDRip XviDVoMiT Movies Other Running Commentary Review: Attack Girls Swim Team vs. the Undead (2008) It's been too long since the last RCR, and I'm excited to get back too it again! Keywords: Regarder film complet Attack Girls Swim Team vs the Unliving Dead en streaming vf et fullstream vk sur voirfilms, Attack Girls Swim Team vs the Unliving Dead VK streaming, Attack Girls Swim Team vs the Unliving Dead film gratuit voirfilms, en trs Bonne Qualit vido [720p, son de meilleur qualit galement, voir tout les derniers film sur cette plateforme en full HD voirfilms. Undead Pool aka Attack Girls Swim Team vs. The Undead original title: Joshikyei hanrangun is a 2007 Japanese erotic comedy horror film directed by Kji Kawano from a screenplay by Satoshi Owada ( Cruel Restaurant ). Factoring in that lead Handa is an exporn star, much of Attack Girls suddenly starts to make sense. Throughout, Handa is either required to appear menacing or in the throes of passion, and her background serves her well, faking her orgasms immaculately. Attack Girls' Swim Team Versus the Undead is just as disjointed and incoherent as its title suggests. Hot babe Sasa joins the swim team and zombies attack. Attack Girls Swim Team Versus the Undead displays a good deal of naked young Japanese female flesh. If you were to ask me, personally, while the young ladies are all fairly cute, none of them. The rest of the movie is fine, just a overly gory pseudozombie movie (that's a good thing). The swim team themselves bar Aka prove themselves useless at fighting, and that only fuels the carnage of later on in the movie. Attack Girls Swim Team vs The Undead Music by Vincenzo Salvia MPHS's Girls Swim Dive Team Assembly Video Duration: Girls Swim meet Cupertino High School Football game 1990. C arrying on in the spirit of the Halloween season, here are the ladies of another Japanese horrorcomedy, the 2007 gorefest Attack Girls Swim Team vs. The Undead (aka The Girls Rebel Force of Competitive Swimmers and Undead Pool ). Aki una ragazza dal passato misterioso, che stata trasferita in una nuova scuola, proprio mentre le autorit giapponesi stanno effettuando una serie di vaccinazioni contro un misterioso virus, che trasforma le persone in pericolosi zombi. The Movie: Attack Girls' Swim Team vs. the Undead sounds like it is a zany, off kilter Japanese zombie movie. Hiding under this inviting exterior, though, is a soft core porn film with a limp zombie framework thrown up around it. Undead Pool () aka Attack Girls' Swim Team vs. The Undead is a 2007 Japanese erotic horror film. A lab mixup accidentally swaps a vaccine with a virus that turns a high school full of students and teachers into flesheating zombies. But all is not lost: New student Aki discovers that the swim team is immune to the plague..