David Frederick Attenborough (fdt 8. mai 1926 i London i England) er en britisk programleder som er kjent for sine naturprogrammer og filmer og som programleder i BBC i mer enn 50 r. Han er tidligere senior manager i BBC, og har tjenestegjort som kontrollr i BBC2 og som programdirektr i BBC Television i 1960 og 70rene. Watch video2) David Attenborough pretends to be a wolf. A ttenborough demonstrates his (very impressive) howl in this scene from the BBC's 2002 series The Life of Mammals. Sir David Frederick Attenborough OM CH CVO CBE FRS FLS FZS FSA FRSGS is an English broadcaster and naturalist. He is best known for writing and presenting, i Sir David Attenborough is believed to be one of the most travelled men in history. In order to film the Life of Birds series he had to travel over 256, 000 miles. David Attenborough is a hero of mine. I guess that I was lucky in that I was introduced to his documentaries as a young boy. I remember my father watched a variety of documentaries and always encouraged me to watch them too, but David's were the only ones I watched. David Attenborough David Attenborough David Attenborough (David Attenborough) one of the world's best known broadcasters and naturalists. The creator and host of the famous dozen documentaries about nature, talk in detail about all kinds of life on earth and their interaction. General Manager of the BBC in the 1960s and 1970s. The younger brother of actor and director, winner of the Oscar. You're watching David Attenborough David Attenborough's Africa Ep. 1 In this blockbuster series, Sir David Attenborough reveals Africa as you've never seen it before. Sir David Frederick Attenborough is a naturalist and broadcaster, who is most wellknown for writing and presenting the nine Life series, produced in conjunction with BBC's Natural History Unit. Like a visual Wikipedia for understanding the planet and its incredible beings, Story of Life is an app every iPhone and iPad should have. We loved dipping into the vast database of David Attenborough videos from classic series including Planet Earth and Life. Man Alive, Call My Bluff, Chronicle, Life, One Pair of Eyes, The Old Grey Whistle Test, Monty Python's Flying Circus a The Money Programme, sportovn penosy zahrnovaly mj. BBC Two se v roce 1967 stal prvnm britskm kanlem, kter vyslal barevn. David Frederick Attenborough (Isleworth, 8 mei 1926) is een Britse bioloog en televisiemaker die vooral bekend is door zijn vele bekroonde natuurdocumentaires die door de Britse omroep BBC worden uitgezonden. Life on Air: Memoirs of a Broadcaster (Autobiografie; 2002). Sir David is the last of the pioneer generation of television presenters, bright young people who came into the field in the 1950s when TV was still an Awfully Big Adventure. Sir David Frederick Attenborough OM CH CVO CBE FRS FZS FSA ( 8. mj 1926 Londn, Spojen krovstvo) je britsk prrodovedec, modertor, scenrista a producent. Jeho tvr a hlas s u vye 60 rokov neoddelitene spojen s popularizciou prrodnch krs celho sveta. Four years in the making, filmed over 3, 000 days, across every continent and in every habitat, Life is the latest wildlife blockbuster from the BBCs awardwinning Natural History Unit, the producers of Planet Earth and The Blue Planet. David Attenborough and Atlantic Productions have teamed up with scientists and academic institutions from around the world to create David Attenborough's Great Barrier Reef: An Interactive Journey a new kind of interactive website will allow viewers in real time to join David Attenborough on a journey across the Great Barrier Reef. The site is freely accessible to the public and through it. Sir David Frederick Attenborough, OM, CH, CVO, CBE ( 8. Mai 1926 in London) ist ein britischer Tierfilmer und Naturforscher. David Attenborough wurde durch seine preisgekrnten Naturdokumentationen bekannt, die er im Auftrag der BBC produzierte. Watch videohour one: life on camera. presented by david attenborough. directed and produced by miles barton. photography gavin thurston mike fox tim shepherd rod clarke The British Academy awarded David Attenborough the Desmond Davis Award in 1970, and a Fellowship in 1979. He is the brother of actordirector Lord Richard Attenborough and John Attenborough. Also, during World War Two, his parents adopted two German Jewish girls, who had been brought to Britain as part of the Kindertransport. David Attenborough naci el 8 de mayo de 1926, en Londres. Creci en el College House del campus de la Universidad de Leicester, lugar en el que su padre, Frederick Attenborough, fue director. [5 Es el segundo hijo de tres: su hermano mayor, Richard, era actor y director; su hermano menor, John, es director ejecutivo de Alfa Romeo. Biography Sir David Attenborough. David Attenborough (1926 ) is one of the most widely respected TV broadcasters and has become known as the face and voice of natural history documentaries. Life is David Attenborough's latest BBC wildlife epic, capturing the lives of creatures from hippos to butterflies; seals to beetles. It begins on BBC1 on October 12 at 9pm, and continues for 10 weeks David Attenborough Life, Beauty, Me, World, Living, Natural The only way to save a rhinoceros is to save the environment in which it lives, because there's a mutual dependency between it and millions of other species of both animals and plants. David Attenborough was born on May 8, 1926 to Frederick Attenborough, the Principal of the University College, Leicester. At a young age, he became interested. Sir David Frederick Attenborough OM (London, 1926. ) angol termszettuds, dokumentumfilmes, az ismeretterjeszt televzimsorok egyik ttrje. A Cambridgei Egyetemen vgzett, illetve a London School of Economicson, 1957 ta kszt termszetfilmeket s sorozatokat a brit BBC televzicsatorna szmra, amelyek kzl is a legismertebb a kilenc tag let. Sir David Frederick Attenborough CBE (s. toukokuuta 1926 Lontoo) on kuuluisien BBC: n luontodokumenttien juontaja ja luonnontieteiden popularisoija. Hn on mys antropologi ja on toiminut BBC: n johtotehtviss. Suomessa osa Attenborough'n dokumenteista on lhetetty Ylen kanavilla Avara luontonimikkeen alla. Nyttelijohjaaja Richard Attenborough oli hnen isoveljens. What became of the mountain gorillas that David met whilst filming Life on Earth. David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities 2015 TVPG Renowned naturalist David Attenborough documents some of the animal world's most intriguing and surprising evolutionary traits and behaviors. David Attenborough is the best. This particular series has so much repetition. Both within the 4disks included in this series ('Life') as well as sections taken from other BBC Sir David Attenborough has been the voice of British natural history TV programmes for over 50 years. He is best known for his Life series, which has spanned 30 years. 1986 adlades David Attenborough och tituleras numera sir David Attenborough, [3 ett prefix han inte alltid r s bekvm med. [2 En annan utmrkelse som Attenborough har mottagit r. News People David Attenborough at 90: Nine facts about the broadcaster and naturalist. From creating televised snooker to narrating Adele's music video and initially being kept off TV for his. Sir David Frederick Attenborough (Isleworth, 8 maggio 1926) un divulgatore scientifico e naturalista britannico. Fratello minore dell'attore e regista Richard Attenborough, David Attenborough uno dei pionieri dei documentari naturalistici. Sir David Attenborough admits that the success of nature documentaries risks creating the first generation of British children who know more about gorillas than the wildlife in their own gardens. David has affected the lives of people and wildlife for many years. With his amazing amount of knowledge, his achievement is to recommend. Life Stories 2 is the second installment of Sir David's look back at the wildlife that has captured his imagination and enthusiasm over his distinguished career. It is a fascinating trip around the world in search of extraordinary plants, animals and people, in the company of this wonderful communicator. In a body of work spanning seven decades and more than 100 series, Sir David Attenborough, who turns 91 today, has come face to face with thousands of extraordinary species, creating some of the. Thank you A quick note to say thank you to David Attenborough Maggie Rowley, 70, admires the way the veteran broadcaster is doing something that really matters in such a popular and accessible way David has captivated, enchanted and charmed people for 64 years with his dulcet tones and unique presentational skills to become a popular, respected and muchloved personality. This resource is a fully editable, colourful, informative and interesting 96 slide assembly lesson PowerPoint on. Watch videoDavid Attenborough was born in London, England, in 1926. After studying the natural sciences at the University of Cambridge, he began his career as a. David Attenborough, Writer: Flying Monsters 3D with David Attenborough. Born 8 May 1926, the younger brother of actor Lord Richard Attenborough. He never expressed a wish to act and, instead, studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, graduating in 1947, the year he began his two years National Service in the Royal Navy. In 1952, he joined BBC Television at Alexandra Palace and, in 1954. Sir David Attenborough is Britain's bestknown natural history filmmaker. His career as a naturalist and broadcaster has spanned nearly five decades and there are very few places on the globe that he has not visited. Over the last 25 years he has established himself as the world's leading natural. Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Watch Queue Queue Watch videoWatch Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life David Attenborough by Channel 1859 on Dailymotion here Awesome collection of David Attenborough's Life documentaries. comes in a smart looking box and includes: The life of Mamals The life of Birds Trails of life The private life of plants The living planet Life in the freezer Life in the undergrowth Life on earth. In search of the earliest animals In more than fifty years of broadcasting, Sir David Attenboroug 7. Life on Air David Attenborough. Life on Air is a BBC documentary that traces David Attenborough's career. It is presented by Mich David Attenborough signs copies of his latest publication Life In The Undergrowth, published in relation to the BBC One series, at the Natural History Museum in London Getty Images 2635 2006.