Dates Europe Leg Nottingham (UK)) Royal Theatre Manchester (UK) Apollo Theatre Glasgow (SC) Apollo Theatre With 25 millions sales all over the world, this album is the most successful for Collins' solo career, commercially spoken. The album deals with personal themes for Phil, such as divorce, but has. Phil Collins' status as one of the most successful pop and adult contemporary singers of the '80s and beyond was probably as much a surprise to him as it was to many others. Phil Collins No Jacket Required Brand new not sealed CD please note item comes in a vinyl style cardboard sleeve, not a plastic case From the Take a look at me now set From a pet PHIL COLLINSNo Jacket Required CD (1985) ORG. Find great deals on eBay for phil collins no jacket required album. No Jacket Required il terzo album da solista del cantante britannico Phil Collins, pubblicato il 25 gennaio 1985 dalla Atlantic Records. diventato il lavoro di maggior successo commerciale di Collins, nonch quello della sua definitiva affermazione come solista al di fuori dei Genesis. 27 MB Phil Collins The Singles (3CD Deluxe Edition) (2016) 320 496. 99 MB Phil Collins Face Value (Deluxe Editon) (2016) MP3 Aber die Neuauflage von No Jacket Required ist voll gelungen. Natrlich kennen langjhrige Collins Fans die Songs schon, doch alleine die Live Aufnahmen bieten auch Gelegenheitshhrern die Mglichkeit festzustellen, warum Phil ein begnadeter Musiker war und bleibt. videos Play all Phil Collins No Jacket Required Album HD The Music Channel Phil Collins The West Side (live 1990) drum cam Duration: 11: 09. Both Sides of Phil Collins 71, 834 views No Jacket Required No Jacket Required (Deluxe Edition) by Phil Collins Audio CD 12. Released in 1985, Collins' third album No Jacket Required topped the charts in the UK, US, and numerous other countries all over the world on a journey that would result in three Grammy Awards (for Best Album, Best Pop Vocal Performance, Male, and. The No Jacket Required World Tour was a concert tour by the English singersongwriter Phil Collins, which occurred FebruaryJuly 1985 in support of his 1985 album, No Jacket Required. The album had been a massive international success and the tour concluded with Collins performing Against All Odds and In the Air Tonight at both Live Aid concerts, in London and Philadelphia, on 13 July 1985. No Jacket Required ist das dritte Soloalbum des britischen Sngers Phil Collins. Es erschien zu Beginn des Jahres 1985. Neben dem Nachfolger But Seriously aus dem Jahr 1989 ist es Collins bekanntestes und erfolgreichstes Soloalbum. Es gilt aufgrund der sehr zeitorientierten Musik als Synonym fr die Musik der 1980erJahre. How to Playback All Lossless Format 24bit Lossless (NEW) How to Playback SACD ISOs (NEW) How to split convert singlefile FLAC Album into tracks Phil Collins is mostly known by the younger generation as that semiretired bald Brit who had a batch of Disney hits and was briefly rumoured to be working on the next Adele album. Phil Collins was the 80s and No Jacket Required was a culmination of everything that was good about that eras popmusic. Everybody and I mean everybody, has at. No Jacket Required is the third solo studio album by English singersongwriter Phil Collins, the lead vocalist and drummer for the rock band Genesis. The album was originally released on 25 January 1985 on Virgin (UK and Ireland), Atlantic (US and Canada), and WEA (Rest of the world). After the punchy atmospherics of Face Value and the horn laden throwback of Hello, I Must Be Going! , Phil Collins returned in 1985 with a straight forward pop record, No Jacket Required. Also you can download Phil Collins No Jacket Required [2CD Deluxe Edition (2016) here: Phil Collins, 2016, Classic Rock, Progressive Rock Comments (1) Print Find a Phil Collins No Jacket Required first pressing or reissue. Complete your Phil Collins collection. Phil Collins third solo album established him as the most unlikely superstar of the 80s. Number one in eight countries, over two million copies sold in the UK, where it has been certified six. Find a Phil Collins No Jacket Required first pressing or reissue. Complete your Phil Collins collection. No Jacket Required is the third solo studio album by English singersongwriter Phil Collins. It was originally released on 25 January 1985 on Virgin, Atlantic, and WEA. No Jacket Required literalmente: No se necesita chaqueta es el nombre del tercer lbum de estudio del cantante y compositor britnico Phil Collins, publicado el 18 de febrero de 1985. El lbum fue nombrado despus de un incidente en The Pump Room de Chicago, donde a Collins se le deneg el ingreso al establecimiento debido a su atuendo. Universal are proud to make available four of Phil Collins finest individual albums, including the winner of the 1985 Grammy for Pop Album of the Year, 'No Jacket Required chart topping 'But Seriously and also the outstanding Hello, I Must Be Going and Both Sides. 12 rowsNo Jacket Required topped the charts in the U. No Jacket Required is the third solo album by English singersongwriter Phil Collins, released on 25 January 1985. The album was named after an incident at The Pump Room in Chicago, where Collins was denied admittance to the establishment because of his attire. No Jacket Required is the third solo studio album by English singersongwriter Phil Collins. It was originally released on 25 January 1985 on Virgin, Atlantic, and WEA. Find great deals on eBay for no jacket required phil collins. Features Song Lyrics for Collins Phil's No Jacket Required album. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews. To get full access to the site e. deposit funds, download files you have to create an account. You will get 2 track for free after confirming your account. No Jacket Required is the third solo studio album by English singersongwriter Phil Collins, the lead vocalist and drummer for the progressive rock band Genesis. Listen to No Jacket Requiredby Phil Collins on Slacker Radio, where you can also create personalized internet radio stations based on your favorite albums, artists and songs. No Jacket Required is an 11piece UKbased tribute to Phil Collins. A spectacular two and a half hour live show. Phil Collins was the 80s and No Jacket Required was a culmination of everything that was good about that eras popmusic. Everybody and I mean everybody, has at. Based in the south of England, No Jacket Required are a full 10piece band paying tribute to the solo music of the awardwinning drummer, singer and songwriter Phil Collins. No Jacket Required o terceiro lbum de estdio do cantor Phil Collins, lanado em 1985. [1 O lbum ganhou o Grammy nas categorias lbum do Ano e Melhor Performance Vocal Pop Masculino. [ 2 Este lbum est na lista dos 200 lbuns definitivos no Rock and Roll Hall of Fame [ 3. Phil Collins was perhaps the biggest pop musician in the world thanks to the release of his third solo album, No Jacket Required, which sent the squat, baldingyetmulleted, hairychested former Genesis drummer skyrocketing to the top of the charts. No Jacket Required The Phil Collins Genesis Tribute. The UKs leading Phil Collins tribute returns once again to The Brook. This stunning 10piece band performs a show featuring every Top 10 hit single from Phils awardwinning career, both as a solo artist and with Genesis. The Singles (Expanded) The Essential Going Back (Deluxe Edition) The Essential Going Back (Remastered) Going Back (2010) Brother Bear. Listen to No Jacket Required (Deluxe Edition) now. Listen to No Jacket Required (Deluxe Edition) in full in the Spotify app. No Jacket Required is an 11piece UKbased tribute to Phil Collins. A spectacular two and a half hour live show. All the hits and more from Phil Collins and Genesis. Phil Collins No Jacket Required Prologue. 1985 promised to become a special year in the life of Phillip Collins (then aged 34). He had always worked hard, but particularly so since 1980, the year he established himself as a serious artist for good. Besides, Easy Lover duet with Philip Bailey, not featured on No Jacket Required was played heavily and thus Phil's voice was everywhere. We work out the trending price by crunching the data on the products sale price over the last 90 days. New refers to a brandnew, unused, unopened, undamaged item, while Used refers to an item that has been used previously. No Jacket Required reste une des plus grosses ventes de Phil Collins, avec plus de 10 millions de copies aux tatsUnis (Disque de diamant). Vingt ans aprs sa sortie, No Jacket Required se place parmi les 50 meilleures ventes aux tatsUnis. Sussudio was released as a single in 1985 as the third track from Phil Collins third solo album No Jacket Required..