I Did It Again, Spears began to embrace a more mature sound with Britney. Its music incorporates genres of pop and dancepop with influences of RB and occasionally dips into elements of disco, hip hop and rock; its lyrics address the subjects of reaching adulthood and sexuality. Quando eu fiz o primeiro lbum, eu tinha acabado de fazer 16 anos. Quer dizer, quando eu olhar para a capa do lbum, eu vou falar tipo 'Oh, meu Deus. Bens father is sick and disrupts birthday plans for Felicity, Noel chafes at the tedium of his guidance job, and new roommates tax Elena's patience. I Did It Again: The Best of Britney Spears. I Did It Again, pues era una sinfona adolescente agridulce, en la que el entrenado falsete de Britney Spears estaba llegando a su punto mximo, desde que ella lo vena desarrollando desde su participacin en el programa estadounidense Mickey Mouse Club. Yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I did it again I made you believe we're more than just friends Oh baby It might seem like a crush I Did It Again egy tinipop dal, egy lnyrl szl, aki gy gondolja, hogy a szerelem csak jtk, s jtszadozik a bartjval ezzel kimutatva, hogy nem is olyan rtatlan. A felvtel tartalmaz egy prbeszdet, amiben emlts esik a Titanic cm filmrl. Britney Spears' official music video for 'Oops! I Did It Again Click to listen to Britney Spears on Spotify: As featured. More than any other single artist, Britney Spears was the driving force behind the return of teen pop in the late '90s. The blockbuster success of the Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys certainly paved the way for her own commercial breakthrough, but Spears didn't just become a star. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I did it again I made you believe we're more than just friends Now Youve Done It Again! Smash Up has turned the asylum over to the inmates yet again! After the success of Its Your Fault, we decided to let the fans choose the factions that would make up the latest set of Smash Up, and they went for some powerful choices! A huge field was whittled down to I Did It Again einen Rekord auf, der bis heute ungebrochen ist: Allein in der ersten Woche wurden in den USA 1, 3 Millionen Exemplare abgesetzt, was bis dato keiner anderen Knstlerin gelungen war. Weltweit beliefen sich die Verkufe in der ersten Woche auf ber 2, 4 Millionen. is a reference to Jan Brady from the classic 70s sitcom The Brady Bunch when she famously said Marcia, Marcia Marcia. max raabe perfoming britnay spears oops i did it againenjoy him; ) and subscribe. andreanicolau @nishakaranam she can do what she wants and live her life how she wants and if you have a problem with it then TOO BAD 8, 780 Likes, 450 Comments Kate Mansi (@katemansi) on Instagram: Oops she did it again. is the second album released by American pop music singer Britney Spears on Jive Records. Four singles were released from the album, the title track, Lucky, Stronger, and Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know. I think I did it again I made you believe we're more than just friends Oh baby It might seem like a crush But it doesn't mean that I'm serious 'Cause to lose all my senses I Did It Again, dans la mme veine que le prcdent. Il s'en coule plus de 17 millions d'exemplaires Le single du mme nom devient une des chansons les plus populaires de la fin des annes 1990 et numro un dans de nombreux pays tels que la Suisse, l'Australie ou les PaysBas. I Did It Again debutt alla posizione numero 5 della classifica album italiana, e rimase tra le prime venti posizioni per tredici settimane, un record imbattuto per un album di Britney Spears in Italia. After vacationing for six days after the completion of the Baby One More Time Tour in September of 1999, Britney returned to New York City to begin recording songs for her followup album. The majority of the recording took place in November of 1999. It featured contributions from Max Martin, Eric Foster White, Diane Warren and Babyface. Yeahyeah yeahyeah yeahyeah Yeahyeah yeahyeah yeahyeah I think I did it again I made you believe We're more than just friends Oh, baby, it might seem like a crush Background. The routine takes place in the criminal lineup section of a police department. The lines and height numbers move to the beat of the song. Pese a su xito considerable, su rendimiento en las listas musicales de sencillos de Australia y los Estados Unidos se vio opacado por malas estrategias de lanzamiento de Jive. Pese a su xito considerable, su rendimiento en las listas musicales de sencillos de Australia y los Estados Unidos se vio opacado por malas. Britney Jean Spears nasceu no dia 2 de dezembro de 1981 e natural da McComb, Mississippi, Estados Unidos. Tratase de uma das cantoras de mais sucesso na msica Pop recente, vendendo milhes de cpias dos seus seis lbuns oficiais. Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Watch Queue Queue I Did It Again r en sng skriven av Max Martin och Rami, och inspelad av den amerikanska popsngerskan Britney Spears, slpptes p singel den 27 mars r 2000 i Storbritannien. Singeln gick den 4 juni r 2000 hgst upp i topp p den nyzeelndska hitlistan RIANZ och p. Search for lyrics and artists in our massive database of song lyrics. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I did it again I made you believe we're more than just friends Oh baby It might seem like a crush . I Did It Again, qui contient douze chansons, tout en effectuant les chansons de Baby One More Time. Britney a un mois de promotion internationale, elle fait des escales Tokyo, Londres. Britney a un mois de promotion internationale, elle fait des escales Tokyo, Londres. Rachel: I think I did it again I made you believe we're more than just friends Oh baby It might seem like a crush But it doesn't mean that I'm serious 301 Moved Permanently. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Acho que fiz isso de novo Fiz voc acreditar Que ramos mais do que apenas amigos Oh, baby Pode at parecer uma paixo Mas isso no significa que algo srio. Porque perder toda a noo to tpico de mim Oh, baby, baby. Opa, fiz isso de novo Brinquei com o seu corao E me perdi neste. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I did it again I made you believe we're more than just friends Oh baby It might seem like a crush I Did It Again is the second studio album by American singer Britney Spears. It was released on May 16, 2000 in the United States through Jive Records. Its music incorporates pop, dancepop, and teen pop styles, much in the vein of her debut studio album Baby One More Time (1999). [3 I Did It Again, 3 2000 Jive Records. I Did It Again menjadi hits nomor satu internasional. Spears diakui telah mempengaruhi kebangkitan pop remaja selama akhir tahun 1990an. Pada tahun 2001, ia merilis album studio ketiganya Britney dan memperluas namanya dengan memainkan peran utama dalam film Crossroads. I Did It Again Britney Spears amerikai popnekesn msodik stdialbuma. mjus 16n jelent meg a Jive Records gondozsban. [3 1999ben, miutn befejezte a Baby One More Time Tour cmen ismertt vlt koncertkrtjt, Britney 1999. szeptember 20n elkezdte az album dalainak rgztst New Yorkban. I think I did it again I made you believe were more than just friends Oh baby It might seem like a crush But it doesnt mean that Im serious.