274An 274Bn Vacuum tube Short form datasheet for the white plate mesh version. Filament: Voltage: 5V, AC or DC Current: 4A This Data sheet. is about the 274A and 274B, which only difference is the tube base. These tubes are a full wave rectifiers of a special kind, and electrically equivalent to. Fullwave, Thermionic High Vacuum Rectifier. The 274B tube is designed to supply direct current up to 200 milliamperes from an alternating current source. WESTERN ELECTRIC WE211 VT4C MATCHED PAIR 1: 1 PSVANE REPLICAWESTERN ELECTRIC WE211 VT4C Premium MATCHED PAIR 1: 1 PSVANE REPLICA. electron Tube Data sheets Type index. select the first character of the tube Posted in 274B, Review Feedback Tagged WE274B Leave a comment. Chet Bakers Happy Little Sunbeam was playing on a system consisting of a Western Electric 91A 300B amplifier and a lone Western 757 speaker mounted on the wall. This tube will rival if not outperform the famed 274B Western Electric, and they are just as scarce. All have the early type dark brown micanol base with the military markings. This was tested on my calibrated Hickok 539C. I couldn't find a datasheet on the Psvane 274B. FWIW, though, the original Western Electric tube that it is intended to emulate was rated at 2. 0 amps, although I wouldn't necessarily assume that the Psvane version is the same. Note: 274B is direct heating tube, people who buy 274B is for its superior sonic performance. It would not be a problem with common choke input. In 1930s, WE 274B was the rectifier choice for 300B single ended theater amplifier in the US. In the last two years, the available choices in 300B output tubes for one's lowwattage singleended power amplifier have become an embarrassment of riches. If we include the soupedup versionswhich, in fact, deviate from the original 1930s Western Electric (WE) specificationsthe number of 300Bs to choose from now includes about 15 different brands and types. Tube of the Month: The 10Y Hi! The datasheet suggests a load of 10k. Another example for oxide coated filament versions of this tube is the Western Electric VT25: The 10Y was also manufactured in Europe. The next photo shows the Neotron 10Y, made in France. Premium DHT tubes the best known to us (a mix of Psvane Western Electric Replica, KRAudio and Emission Labs) tubes, selected, matched, measured, and finally picked per each DAC unit in extensive listening sessions (274B is the standard), but one can roll 5c3s, 5U4, 5R4, GZ34, 5Y3. LAMPIZATR Output type Frequency response DSD supported. TriodeWestern 300BPSVANE 300B 300B300BTriode TRVA300SE Western 300B Western Electric Vacuum Tubes Western Electric Transmitting Receiving Tubes Power Triode No300 300A OLD 300A 300B 274B 274B 301A 301A. Hi Friends, last weekend I went to an estate sale, or perhaps an expedition into the mountains of NE Washington would be a better description. The 274B should be okay as should be the GZimo. Every type of rectifier has a max uF limit specified in the tube data sheet. I have also found some Mullard and Philips GZbut in different color tube bases. Copright @ HIFIPARTSTORE All reights reserved. The Golden Dragon 350B has classic vintage lines and was originally manufactured by Western Electric. GD 572B The Golden Dragon 572B is a HighMu power triode manufactured to US specification in China. The Golden Dragon 572B is popular in amateur radio and hifi. WESTERN ELECTRIC ELECTRON TUBES GENERAL BULLETIN Price and Delivery Information The Graybar Electric Company is the national distributor of 274A, 274An, 274B, 274Bn These are an quivalent to Western Electric 274A274B, using the nice big glass of the WE300B. 274A and 274B are the same tube, apart from the socket which is different. 274A used an UX4 socket, 274B uses an octal socket. Western Electric: Yellow Western Electric in trademark font Westrex produces Western Electric 300B reissues and seems to have plans for other WE tubes. Westrex is currently moving or are doing some sort of reshuffling and is currently not producing tubes; production is promised to restart in 2013. Western Electric Power Tubes listed at Western Electric Preamp Tubes listed at Western Electric Rectifier Tubes listed at. WESTERN ELECTRIC TUBES (click on links below to check stock) 274B FullWave Rectifier 1940's (the best sounding 5U4G or 5R4GY substitute ever made, lots of. vintage western electric tubes, audio amplifiers, speakers. also see thousands of vintage audio photos in my picasa online photo galleryclick the link below that it may also be mounted in a Western Electric 100M, 115B or similar socket. The tubes may be mounted in either a vertical or horizontal position. If mounted in a hori zontal position, the plane of the filament, which is indicated in Figure 2, should be vertical. pdf pdf Tubes for 300B amplifiers: Warning: Allnic T1500 amplifier (Koreanmade) was not designed for Western Electric 300B compatible tubes (such as Sophia Electric 300B tubes). This amplifier running at higher than the WE 300B plate voltage permitted. In the Audio Note, I've tried the modern production Western Electric (an early production sample, mind you, about three years ago I think), a JJ Electronics, the original Audio Note branded Chinese tubes, the Sovlek, and the tubes I now have, the KR32 which are not a proper 300B but can be directly plugged into a 300B socket. Western Electric 274B Western Electric made for Electronic Enterprises, yellow painted label, ST shape, NOS. New old stock original military box. The Holy Grail of rectifier tubes, this original Western Electric made 274B replaces any 5U4G, GA or GB, as well as any 5R4G, GY, GA, GB, or WGB. Western Electric 1 International Shipping items may be subject to customs processing depending on the item's declared value. UG271AU datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. The 45 has already been covered in a Tube of the Month post. Two sets of mono blocks with the 45 got finished recently and it is one of my all time favourite tubes. Here the only 242C Tube Western Electric for sell worldwide This ultra rare tube is the Western Elctric version of the 211VT4C Absolutely new, put only one time in socket for testing. This is a simple adapter made from a Octal tube base and a Noval 9 pin socket. A few of the Western Electric numbers to watch for are 274B (200), 300B (500), and 349A (400). TV tubes The other end of the scale Common tubes manufactured in the late 1950s or 1960s used primarily in televisions currently have little or no value. The western electric 448A, this is one of the rarest tubes western ever made. They were used in only one radio system. If you ever find any, scoop them up, try them in your next amp. Portrait of a tube Full Index List. These tubes were send to me for repair, complaint was the top caps are loose, and the tubes are noisy. The heater of the 310A is 10 Volts. This has following logic: Such tubes were intended for mobile applications, running off a 12V car battery. NOS Western Electric Engrav Genalex Z729 EF86. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to. WE300B, the first product reproducing the Western Electric, was born in our company and since then established a benchmark of the top tubes. Sophisticated, precise and lean is our product concept. In November 2011, PSVANE HIFI series (300B, 2A3, EL34, KT88, 5881, 6SN7, 274B and so on) were officially rolled off. Created Date: 3: 17: 04 PM The GEC U52 is arguably the best sounding 5U4G FullWave rectifier ever made, other than the Western Electric 274A and 274B. These british made U52 tubes are brand new NOS in original UK military boxes, and were made in the 1950's at the Hammersmith factory by Genalex (Marconi Osram MO Valve). The GEC U52 is arguably the best sounding 5U4G FullWave rectifier ever made, other than the Western Electric 274A and 274B. These british made U52 tubes are brand new NOS in original UK military boxes, and were made in the 1950's at the Hammersmith factory by Genalex (Marconi Osram MO Valve). 1 PC PSVANE 274B Rectifier Vacuum Tube WE274B Duplicate 5U4G U52 BRAND NEW Sovtek 5U4G Dual Rectifier Vacuum Tube 1pc PSVANE WE274B Vacuum Tube Western Electric 1: 1 Replica Duplicate (5U4G 5AR4) Owning a pair of original Western Electric 284A is a dream for many HiFi audiophiles who own 845 tubes amps, in order to experience what the past glory of tube production could bring to. We have General Electric (USA, not UK)and RCA recieving tube manuals for sale, as well as the RCA Transmitting Tube Manual TT4, and a book of data on Western Electric tubes. The 10J12C pentode is equivalent of Western Electric 310A (WE310A) was designed for highfrequency voltage amplification in longdistance wire service systems. The 10J12C pentodes are enclosed in glass bulb and are provided with an octal base and an indirectly heated oxidecoated cathode. I swapped the Valve Art 274B rectifier with a NOS SED WingedC 5U4G, swapped the 6N1P with a Russian 6N2P, swapped the SV83 tubes with thetubestore Preferred Series 7189 tubes now the amp sounds 1000 better to me. if you can get easy 274B Western Electric much better but very expensive. Rectifier tube has 32 charactor into your Amplifier. KT88 Single Ended what kind of OUT PUT Transformer need? soft when I am using with 300B2A3 Single Ended Amplifier..