(Michel Gondry), celui de Mauvais sang (Leos Carax) et celui de The Host (Bong Joonho) signent trois variations autour de la capitale du Japon, immense, fascinante et anxiogne. Trois films sur la perte des repres, la solitude et la modernit. Screenplays: Michel Gondry, Leos Caraz, and Joonho Bong. While all three of the films that make up this surrealistic trilogy of films set in the Tokyo megalopolis are worth seeing, only one, Merde (yep, thats what it means), has special relevance to the cinematic and cultural history of megalopolis. (2008) de Michel Gondry, Leos Carax et Joonho Bong Lui: De ces trois courtsmtrages sur la mgapole de Tokyo, cest sans aucun doute celui de Leos Carax qui est la plus marquant: un laideron humain qui semble avoir jailli des entrailles de la terre sme la panique et la mort dans les rues de Tokyo en courant comme un drat. The official trailer for Michel Gondry's, Leos Carax's, and South Korean director Bong Joonho's triptych film Tokyo! It has taken a long time for this film to hit theaters and there. est un film multinational compos de trois courts mtrages raliss par Michel Gondry, Leos Carax et Bong Joonho, sorti en 2008. Chacun de ces courtsmtrages se droule dans la ville de Tokyo. , three visionary directors (Michel Gondry, Leos Carax and Bong Joonho) come together for an omnibus triptych examining the nature Regia: Michel Gondry, Leos Carax, Bong Joonho Tre terrazze per vedere la citt Negli ultimi anni tornata in voga lidea sperimentata negli anni 60 in pellicole come Ro. (1963) dei film collettivi, in cui alcuni registi (di solito tre) talentuosi o di nome girano altrettanti mediometraggi legati allo stesso tema. Directed by Michel Gondry, Leos Carax and Bong JoonHo; Starring Ayako Fujitani, Denis Lavant and Teruyuki Kagawa; Classification: NA; A young woman lacking purpose in the big city turns. The recent Eros and ThreeExtremes, occupy the failed attempt end of the tripartite omnibus canon, so its a pleasant surprise to report that Tokyo! Photos: Bong Joon Ho, Leos Carax, and Michel Gondrys Tokyo! Posted on Monday, May 12th, 2008 by Peter Sciretta Another bunch of photos direct from the Cannes Film Festival, which begins this week. span Michel Gondry, Leos Carax and Bong Joonho each direct a segment of this surreal triptych film which will be released March 6 in New The idea has been resurgent again recently, and so it is that filmmakers Michel Gondry, Leos Carax and Bong Joonho all made a short work for Tokyo! Three short films (Interior Design, Merde and Shaking Tokyo) compose the movie. Each segment is freely inspired by Tokyo and shot in the heart of the city. ' is a symphony interpreted in three dissonant parts, reflecting the image of the metropolis. 'Interior Design' by Michel GONDRY: the surreal fable of a young couple who moves to Tokyo in search of a future. Three of the world's greatest cinematic talents: Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), Leos Carax (Holy Motors), and Bong JoonHo (The Host) each direct a segment of this surreal triptych set in the ultramodern metropolis of Tokyo, Japan. lantologia firmata da Michel Gondry, Leos Carax e Bong JoonHo, in home video dal 18 gennaio 2018. Film de Michel Gondry, Leos Carax, Bong Joonho avec Ayako Fujitani, Ry Kase, Ayumi Ito: toutes les infos essentielles, la critique Tlrama, la bande annonce, les diffusions TV et les replay. Under the Sungsan Bridge, in a waterside stand by the Han River, a poor and tiredlooking mother and daughter, Jaemoon and Insun, are arguing the generation. Y especialmente Merde de Los Carax y Shaking Tokyo de Bong Joonho responden a un mismo hlito. En cambio, Interior Design de Michel Gondry se sirve de la ilusin como salida a una realidad deprimente para la protagonista. Since Paris has an anthology film on the theme of love, Tokyo gets one on the theme of weirdness, from Michel Gondry, Leos Carax, and Bong Joonho. The Movie Directed by Michel Gondry, Leos Carax Bong Joonho on Facebook Shaking Tokyo racconta invece di un uomo che vive in solitudine come un eremita, e si innamora improvvisamente di una ragazza che consegna pizze. Genere: Drammatico, Film Regia: Bong Joonho, Leos Carax, Michel Gondry La Koch Media edita in dvd e bluray Tokyo! , film a episodi diretto da Bong Joonho, Leos Carax e Michel Gondry. Tre sguardi stranieri, e spesso a pochi passi dal delirio, sulla capitale giapponese, una delle megalopoli pi imponenti dellAsia e del mondo intero. The recent Eros and ThreeExtremes, occupy the failed attempt end of the tripartite omnibus canon, so its a pleasant surprise to report that Tokyo! est un film ralis par Michel Gondry et Leos Carax avec Ayako Fujitani, Ry Kase. Synopsis: Le film est compos de trois chapitres, chacun d'entre eux tant librement inspir par. The Movie Directed by Michel Gondry, Leos Carax Bong Joonho. Bong Joon Ho had a highly intellectual upbringing; his father, Bong Sang Gyun, is a graphic designer and his maternal grandfather, Park Tae Won was a noted author, famous for A. Pelcula dirigida por Michel Gondry, Joonho Bong, Leos Carax. Son tres historias separadas de la misma ciudad y que cada cineasta dirigir su TOKYO! , Denis Lavant, segment 'Merde directed by Leos Carax, 2008. Liberation Entertainment Image 1 of 20 TOKYO! , Teruyuki Kagawa, segment 'Shaking Tokyo directed by BONG Joonho, 2008. Liberation Entertainment Three of world cinema's great visionaries: Michel Gondry (BE KIND REWIND, ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND), Leos Carax (THE LOVERS ON THE BRIDGE), and Bong Joonho (THE HOST) each direct a segment of this surreal triptych set in the ultramodern metropolis of Tokyo, Japan. E' disponibile in Bluray e dvd Tokyo! , film diviso in tre episodi diretti da Joonho Bong, Los Carax e Michel Gondry, dedicati alla citt giapponese, con tre sensibilit differenti. Aparece en imdb este proyecto de una peli de 3 episodios sobre Tokyo, a lo historias de N. , dirigidos por Bong Joonho, Michel Gondry y Leos Carax (l Michel Gondry dirigi Interior design, Leos Carax dirige Merde, y Bong Joonho dirigi Shaking Tokyo Referencias [ editar El segmento de Michel Gondry, Interior Design estuvo basado en la novela grfica Cecil and Jordan in New York de Gabrielle Bell. Directors Michel Gondry, Bong Joonho, and Leos Carax each direct a segment of this triptych feature about life in 21st century Tokyo. The saga begins with Gondry 's segment, entitled Interior Design, about a young couple who moves in with an old friend while attempting to establish themselves in Tokyo. He was invited to Cannes in the Official Selection with Shaking Tokyo (2008), part of the trilogy Tokyo! which he signed with Leos Carax and Michel Gondry. In 2009, he presented Mother at Un Certain Regard, later awarded by many international film festivals. , a Film by 3 Directors: Bong Joonho, Leos Carax and Michel Gondry FEB. 25, 2009 Related Coverage Tokyo! , a Film by 3 Directors: Bong Joonho, Leos Carax and Michel Gondry FEB. SHAKING TOKYO (Bong JoonHo) For more than 10 years, he's been a hikikomori. He lives shut up in his apartment, strictly limiting all contact with the outside world to an absolute minimum. Tres directores para tres historias narradas en la ciudad de Tokyo: Michel Gondry ('Design'), Bong Joonho ('Tokyo shaking') y Los Carax ('Merde'). il famoso autore Bong Joonho, Leos Carax e Michel Gondry Scrivere: Questo script complesso stato scritto da Bong Joonho, Gabrielle Bell e Leos Carax Tokyo! (2008): scheda e trama del film di Michel Gondry, JoonHo Bong, Los Carax. Le foto, la recensione, il trailer, news e informazioni, cast di Tokyo. Tky es una extraa pelcula construida a partir de tres historias dirigidas por Michel Gondry, Leos Carax y Joonho Bong que acaba de estrenarse en, s, Tokio. a threepack of short films by Carax, Michel Gondry, and Joonho Bong (The Host) set in the Japanese capital will give Los Caraxdeprived viewers a chance to catch up. Michel Gondry, Leos Carax JoonHo Bong In retrospect, it's amazing how Tokyo! manages to be such a solid and coherent experience, given the fact it's a collaboration between three very distinguishable directors, including atmosphere content that shifts from loveliness and melancholy over drama and thrills to sheer absurdity and plain weirdness. is a 2008 FrenchJapaneseSouth KoreanGerman anthology film containing three segments written by three nonJapanese directors, all of which were filmed in Tokyo, Japan. Michel Gondry directed Interior Design, Leos Carax directed Merde, and Bong Joonho directed Shaking Tokyo. For the new omnibus feature Tokyo! , Bong Joonho, Leos Carax and Michel Gondry were invited to make a film in the Japanese capital. DENIS LAVANT IN MERDE, DIRECTOR LEOS CARAXSEGMENT OF TOKYO! COURTESY LIBERATION ENTERTAINMENT. Filmmaker talked to Carax and Gondry about the challenges of shooting in Tokyo, why Kurosawa makes Gondry suicidal, and Caraxs childhood love of Diana Rigg. BONG JOONHO, LEOS CARAX AND MICHEL. Watch videoDirected by Joonho Bong, Leos Carax, Michel Gondry. With Ayako Fujitani, Ryo Kase, Ayumi It, Nao Ohmori. A cinematic triptych of three Tokyoset stories. un film collettivo del 2008 composto da tre episodi diretti da tre diversi registi non giapponesi, ciascuno dei quali ambientato nella citt di Tokyo. Michel Gondry ha diretto il primo episodio, intitolato Interior Design, Leos Carax l'episodio intitolato Merde e Bong Joonho ha diretto Shaking Tokyo..