This Greek mythology unit is one of my students favorites of the year. Ive used it successfully with eighth graders and both regular and honors freshmen. It nicely covers the important elements of Greek mythology and provides an excellent background before my freshmen launch their study of Homers epic poem, The Odyssey. Greek Mythology Part I Internet Lesson Plan Grade level: 912 Teacher Activities Goal: To utilize Internet resources to learn about Greek mythology its myths, gods. Lesson 1: Greek creation mythology Although when we think of mythology we think of a collection of stories, there is a beginning to them. Understanding the beginning of the story, the creation of the world, gives us a framework to build upon as we learn about the different myths. ReadWriteThink couldn't publish all of this great content without literacy experts to write and review for us. If you've got lessons plans, videos, activities, or other. I teach a full quarter of GreekRoman Mythology to 11th and 12th graders. Each group must present to the class, in essence, teach that particular myth. This opens the way for my lesson on the Greeks. an overview of the principals of mythology as described by Joseph Campbell's video series the Power of Myth, our 9th grade. Unit Plan: Mythology Year ThemeEssential Question This unit seeks to prepare students to read the Odyssey in 9th grade. Edith Hamiltons text prepares students for the more complex writing of Homer of Greek mythology also provides students with the cultural knowledge to recognize and understand the influence of Greek mythology today. Greek Mythology is the set of stories about the gods, goddesses, heroes and rituals of Ancient Greeks. Greek Mythology was part of the religion in Ancient Greece. The most popular Greek Mythology figures include Greek Gods like Zeus, Poseidon Apollo, Greek Goddesses like Aphrodite, Hera Athena and Titans like Atlas. Theseus is one of the great heroes of Greek mythology. His exploits demonstrate his intelligence, sense of justice, and great physical skill. He is thought to be the one who united Attica (region of Greece where Athens is), showing him to be a great king and politician. This Greek Mythology Lesson Plan is suitable for 9th Grade. Ninth graders examine the characteristics of Greek Mythology. In this World History lesson, 9th graders study the connections between Greek Mythology and the Universe. Lesson Plans Classroom Activities: Since we look at many ancient cultures during the same school year, kids can actually forget what culture they are studying while they are studying it. For Ancient Greece, we opened each day's lesson with one quick Aesop fable to keep them on track. The lessons in this unit provide you with an opportunity to use online resources to further enliven your students' encounter with Greek mythology, to deepen their understanding of what myths meant to the ancient Greeks, and to help them appreciate the meanings that Greek myths have for us today. The Principal Gods of Greek Mythology The genealogical tree of Principal Gods of Greek Mythology is reported as it is presented in this table. Greek Mythology Tree Greek Gods Lesson Plan: Learning About Greek Mythology Grade Levels: 35, 68, 912 In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 512, students use BrainPOP resources to explore the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology who were also later worshipped, though renamed by, the Romans. Free This Greek Mythology research project is a an engaging culmination to a unit on the myths. My ninth grade students are excited about presenting and I get to introduce the research process. How To Teach Myths This book has lesson plans for teaching mythology in the classroom, including creation myths, nature myths, fire myths, and hero myths. It includes activities, writeon tables, flowcharts and Note to teacher: Respect all answers and don't grade them or evaluate them. Lesson Plan: Ancient Greece Subject: World History Grade: 9 conversation on Greek Mythology and the significance that it played in Greek history. Spielvogel, World History, Florida Edition Pages. See Lesson plans on ancient Greece: an examination of culture In this unit, we will be dabbling in Greek mythology. We will introduce ourselves to some of the main and minor gods and goddesses of the time in literature. We will begin to understand the Greek culture through the stories of mythical characters. Classical Mythology Lesson plans and other teaching resources This lesson is designed for 8th grade. Greek Mythology An outstanding site visually appealing, easy to navigate, lots of information. Be sure to check out the teaching tips. This lesson is designed for 8th grade. Homer Lesson plans and classroom activities for teaching the. The Odyssey UBD Unit Plan Free download as Word Doc (. Romeo and Juliet Lesson Plans and Activities. English Extra Credit Assignment. Grade Level Time Frame 9th 6 weeks Identify Desired Results (Stage 1) Content Standards. Standard Explain the significance of Greek mythology to the everyday life of people in the region and how Greek literature continues to permeate our literature and language today, drawing from Greek mythology and epics, such as Homers Iliad and Odyssey, and from Aesops Fables. The Iliad Teacher's Guide The Iliad Teacher's Guide An epic adventure poem from the beginning of Greek literature, The Iliad has long been attributed to the poet Homer, though most scholars believe it's a story passed down in the oral tradition through many generations. Classical Mythology is a high school class that looks at the history and development of Greek and Roman mythology and its continuing influence on our lives today in. A Greek mythology webquest An Introduction to Ancient Greece This is a resource for teachers of students in 3rd through 6th grades. It has numerous plays, stories, and worksheets that are appropriate for students in these grades. This Greek Myths eBook is suitable for 6th 9th Grade. This eBook format of D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths is beautifully illustrated and includes myths of the origins of the earth, of the major gods and goddesses, as well as of the minor gods, nymphs, satyrs, and centaurs. The story of Oedipus, the Golden Fleece, and other classic tales are also included. Title Impact of Greek Mythology on Modern Times By Melissa Bennett Primary Subject Language Arts Grade Level 7 9. Objective: Students will be able to tell a parent or friend about the role that Greek mythology plays in the world today. 7th grade Lesson Plan: Its Greek to me: Greek Mythology Greek mythology is not only interesting, but it is also the foundation of allusion and character genesis in literature. In this lesson plan, students will gain an understanding of Greek mythology and the Olympian Mythology in the Middle Students read two narrative reading selections and based on the reading, compare and contrast a character from each. After compiling the information about these characters, students record their findings in a Tchart and a Venn diagram. Mythology Lesson Plans Mythweb A site devoted to the heroes, gods, and monsters of Greek Mythology. It's Greek to Me: Greek Mythology A 7thgrade lesson plan from Mensa for Kids. An interesting 9thgrade lesson plan. Sentence Rummy A lesson plan that makes a game out of writing complete sentences. This is an open book assessment for Greek Myths as retold by Heather Amery. We have read this book as part of our Greek Mythology unit. For this assessment I have chosen to let the students work on the test with an open book. Mythology Activity Sheets Get students excited about ancient history with these printable worksheets for Mythology: The Gods, Heroes, and Monsters of Ancient Greece. Students will enjoy designing a Grecian urn, creating their own superpowers, and matching Greek. It's Greek to Me Mythology (foundation and lesson plans on individual gods from mensa, Schaffer's 6thgrade class) Read, Write, Think Telling the Story of a Greek Myth, lesson plan. The Lightning Thief and Greek Mythology, lessons. Hercules the Hero Understanding the Myth (lessons) Lesson Plans for Ancient Greece. Understands the role of art, literature, and mythology in Greek society (e. , major works of Greek drama and mythology and how they reveal ancient moral values and civic culture; how the arts and literature reflect cultural traditions in ancient Greece). Aesthetic Response Lesson Plan Grade Level 912 Summary After reading excerpts from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, students will analyze and interpret aesthetic beauty. They will apply their knowledge by identifying, analyzing and interpreting beauty in. Greek Mythology And The Arts The Ancient Greeks used the myths in all varieties of their artwork. Architecture, sculpture, painting, pottery, metalwork, jewelry, weaving and embroidery showed how important the myths were in the lives of the people. Books for Text Set (organized according to the PAR Lesson Framework): I. Illustrated Dictionary of Mythology by Philip Wilkinson The Illustrated Dictionary of Mythology by Philip Wilkinson is a great resource to begin a study of mythology for high school students. 00 CAN) Candlewick Press Mythology. Candlewick Press Mythology Teachers Guide 3 Discussion Points 1. Encourage students to consider the story the Greek Muses and create a chart listing the Muses and their areas of influence. They Greek Mythology Lesson Plans Games Greek Literature Lesson Plan Greek Gods Greek Mythology; Greek Mythology Lesson Plan for Elementary. All the stuff you need to know for the final mythology test during ur freshman year @ vis! Learn with flashcards, games, and more for free. Reading Lesson Plans 10th grade English High School English! WK 17 Greek mythology lesson (Poppins Book Nook) Adventures in Mommydom Greek mythology is an interesting and complex subject to learn about. I put together the first of our Greek mythology lessons to do with the kids. Ancient Greek Roman Sculpture: Nike of Samothrace. In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 512, students use BrainPOP resources to explore the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology. Students will practice and apply a wide variety of ELA skills, including making predictions, organizing information, sequencing events, and creating a timeline. No special materials are needed for this lesson. Introduce the scope of this activity for the Odyssey: Students, working in small groups, will choose, from Books XVII through XX, a section involving two or more characters. They will convert that section into a dramatic scene and act it out. This is day three in our Greek mythology unit. In our previous lesson we read to page 61 in the book Greek Myths by Heather Amery. Today we will continue our adventure through the Greek myths book and we will also become toy designers and design an action figure around one. This unit will introduce students to the Greek pantheon and classical mythology so that they will be able to identify two purposes of mythology as maintaining order in society and preserving cultural ideals. This new Greek Mythology Greek Gods learning tool is so much fun and loaded with visuals to boost your Greek Mythology teaching lessons. Course Summary Freshen your class curriculum with this informative 9th grade English lesson plan resource course. Our instructors have created these quizzes, lessons and transcripts to capture the. Getting to the Core English Language Arts Grade 9 Unit of Study Introduction to Mythology Final Revision: June 4, 2014 Lesson 1: Anticipatory Guide; background reading and video with textdependent questions ELA Grade 9. Showing top 8 worksheets in the category 8th Grade Mythology. Some of the worksheets displayed are 7th grade lesson plan its greek to me greek mythology, Mythology lesson plans, Core knowledge unit format, Mythology act ivi t y, Mythology unit plan, Activities, 9th grade english, Grade 8 english language arts practice test..